Chayton and Jackson

Chayton and Jackson

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

~ Spring Cleaning ~

Oh yes...that is what needs to happen at my homestead this weekend! We got some things straightened up in the backyard this past Saturday but SO much more needs to be done outside as well as inside. This weekend may not be the best weekend to start because there is a chance that we have a basketball tournament game as well as a soccer tournament. We should know after tonight's game about saturday's basketball and hopefully in the next day or so about the soccer tournament. And then the planning will begin!! There are so many things that i need to go through and clean out inside that just one weekend is not going to cut it. And i guess the outside will have to have it's own weekend as well. The yard part (phase 1-cutting back bushes/crepe myrtles) wont take too much time but then there is the phase 2...working on the area where we are going to plant our own garden.
Last year i did pretty good at keeping my herbs alive that i planted in pots and this year we want to do that plus add vegetables. I sure hope that we can keep up with this. I know when my dad always planted a garden, he spent a LOT of time tending to it in the evenings.

And then there is the GARAGE!! That will be an obstacle in itself. We have way too many motorized vehicles that have sat so long that they do not run. And we also have a ton of Chayton's riding toys in the mix as well. Along with wood pieces for the crafting that i was doing ALL the time.
We desperately need to make one of these!

It is time to donate/sell/give away... whatever it takes to get some things back in order. Our house totally gets put on the back burner these days with 2 kids, however many sports for Jackson, JJ coaching/refeering and just for those days that want to be spent doing almost nothing! I guess i will have to bust out my "Courtney's To Do List" and get to prioritizing.

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