Chayton and Jackson

Chayton and Jackson

Friday, June 8, 2012


I am not sure what the deal was with yesterday but from the time i left to go to work until the time that Chayton fell was CRAZY!! I do not want to go into detail but work yesterday was like a day that you thought was never imaginable. Then, when i get home, Chayton is crying and whiny and that literally lasted until he fell asleep at 7:00pm. He obviously was exhausted (hence the time that he went to bed) and was just irritable from being tired. I wanted to do my workout but by the time Chayton was in bed, i had a splitting headache and only wanted peace and quiet. So i snuggled with Jackson in the chair as we watched some of the Celtics vs Heat game 6. About 8:30, i decided that i was going to lay down with Chayton. Here came Jackson also and we were probably asleep before 9:00pm. I slept well and felt good this morning!

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