Chayton and Jackson

Chayton and Jackson

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Update & HIIT Training

Ok, ok, ok! It has been forever since i have blogged. Like a whopping 2.5 months i think. I have not been slacking. I have been busy. I was doing GREAT working out everyday and have lost 18 lbs so far. I did take a little break over the Christmas break and have not really gotten back into my routine. I am FINALLY motivated to get back to it. The spring and summer are coming and I.WILL.BE.SKINNY. I have hopes of doing more 5K's this year and even want to run a 1/2 marathon sometime before the year is up. And i will make sure that happens. We joined Memphis Runners Track Club as a family yesterday and will make sure that we log our miles this year and do races. Chayton is even a member. HA! Now, we know he wont be logging the miles...not in his cast at least!
Fitspiration Photo!!
(the one on the far left is my favorite)

High Intensity Interval Training...this will be my new workout. I ordered the videos months back but felt that i was too out of shape to start them. I have gotten back in better shape and was doing really good running. I have gotten back to running a little over 3 miles straight so i am ready to jump in to these videos. They are still going to kick my tail but i think i will be better prepared for them now. The schedule shows them starting on Monday but i am going to follow it like it shows but adjust the day of the week to start. May be a little confusing, but i am going to make it work.

TurboFire classes include Fire Drills, also known as High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).

These drills push you to your max for up to 1-minute bursts, with quick recovery periods. Studies show that HIIT ignites your metabolism, enabling your body to burn more calories for up to 24 hours after your workout.
Metabolic Rate over Time graph of After Burn Effect
Not only that, with TurboFire, you'll work out less than half the time you normally would doing regular cardio—and burn up to 9x more fat.

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